ClimateFirst Solutions
Climate-informed answers start with the right solution
What are an asset’s climate risks?
Climate Risk Exposure Screens
Climate risk exposure screen reports identify and rate a property’s exposure to risk from the following climate hazards: heat, precipitation, drought, flood, wildfire, and wind.
A productive first step in the climate-risk analysis process, low-cost reports offer rapid insight into what hazards a property may face. Easy to scale across an entire portfolio, these reports help prioritize the sites that require more in-depth climate-risk analysis.

How will these climate risks impact future costs?
Climate Value at Risk (CVaR ) Assessment
For more in-depth climate risk-analysis, a ClimateFirst Climate Value at Risk (CVaR) Assessment evaluates how identified hazards will affect building assets at a building-system level of resolution. A CVaR report outlines how projected physical climate risks will impact the costs needed to maintain the functional performance of critical system and components in a changing climate compared to today.